Unicron is a global platform that provides easy management of digital assets across multiple languages.

Client / Tru Location / NY, USA Project / Branding
Unicron Case Study

Unicron is accessible globally, offering support in multiple languages and ensuring that users around the world can easily manage their digital assets.

Our team of dedicated professionals ensures that every aspect of our platform meets the highest standards of security. We are committed to providing a robust platform that offers unparalleled trust, security, and user-friendly experiences.


  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
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Unicron Font
Unicron Mockup

Key Features that You Need to Know :

  • Swap Crypto : Instantly exchange one cryptocurrency for another with minimal fees and maximum efficiency.

  • Advanced Wallet : Securely store and manage a diverse range of digital assets, ensuring peace of mind.

  • DEX & Bridge : Access decentralized exchanges and seamlessly bridge between different blockchain networks.

  • Accurate Dashboard : Gain insights into portfolio performance, market trends, and asset allocations at a glance.

  • Buy & Sell Crypto : Facilitate crypto transactions with a user-friendly interface, supporting various payment methods

  • Complete History : Maintain a detailed record of transactions and activities for transparency and accountability.


“ Initially, Yahya Mokhtarzada, the company CEO, approached us with a request to evoke trust in their customer base, since the users were reluctant to enter their financial information, which was necessary to use the service. ”

Yahya Mokhtarzada

Yahya Mokhtarzada

Co-founder of Unicron
Unicron Logo
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital finance, the integration of blockchain technology has ushered in a new era of possibilities. At the forefront of this revolution stands our latest innovation :

the All-in-One Crypto Wallet. This groundbreaking platform combines cutting-edge features with a seamless user experience, catering to both seasoned investors and newcomers exploring the world of cryptocurrencies.

Initially, Yahya Mokhtarzada, the company CEO, approached us with a request to evoke trust in their customer base, since the users were reluctant to enter their financial information, which was necessary to use the service.


Lemkus reached out to us to create a new design system and conduct an overhaul of the brand's digital experience. The objective was to provide customers with seamless purchasing journeys and we did this by combining robust user experience with strong and engaging content.

We were brought in to refresh their primary digital properties with a particular focus on building a robust eCommerce capability that re-imaged the way consumers purchase tyres, wheels and batteries online. We achieved this by crafting an informative and intuitive purchasing experience, backed by comprehensive usability research and validation.

In collaboration with Kia's development partner +OneX, we created a ”best-in-class” eCommerce experience underpinned and validated by an in-depth research study that focussed on incorporating the best possible UX principles and analyses.

In collaboration with Promise Brand Specialists, we were tasked to create an elevated digital experience to reflect the innovative and performance-oriented nature of the brand. The primary goal of the website was to provide a seamless digital service when looking for key information as well as placing and paying for cement orders online.

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